• NEW and EXCITING: SPECIAL FOR ScanFest ‘13: Three “Don’t-Miss” :
• The Blue and the Blond: Exciting Nordic duo of Jutta Rahmel & Vidar Skrede, Finnish kantele, Norwegian hardingfele, fiddle, guitar, & vocals. Tunes from their Nordic traditions of polska, halling, walz, schottische, & rekilaulu with their own imaginations.
• Sara Pajunen: Extremely versatile and adventuristic violinist: Nordic fiddle, Argentine tango, classical, and jazz while constantly experimenting with new techniques.
Kardemimmit: Direct from Finland: Finnish folk music quartet of Maija Pokela, Jutta Rahmel, Anna Wegelius & Leeni Wegelius singing & playing the 15 & 38 stringed kantele with modern folk music that’s fresh but founded in Finnish tradition & improvisation. All 3 are exciting “must-see”!
Returning Favorites
ABBAGirlz: The Spectacular ABBA Tribute. ScanFest is excited to present the ABBAGirlz tribute band, the best ABBA tribute since ABBA itself. Beautiful harmonies, elaborate costumes, and exciting choreography make every show memorable. TWO “must see” performances.
• Two performances by
Magnus Mårtensson’s hilarious mixture of comedy and classical piano in the style of Victor Borge.
Marcia Boyesen & Roger Latzgo: award-winning lyric soprano and Roger’s classical piano and guitar brings HansChtirtianAndersen Story-Songs to life: “The Ugly Duckling”, “The Steadfast Tin Soldier”, “The Little Match Girl”. and other favorites.
Ruthann Cunningham, gifted professional classical soprano with arias by Grieg & Sibelius, others.
• Norsewinds: a unique mix of energetic Scandinavian & American original and traditional folk music, (and a couple Irish pub songs).
• The upbeat & unique sounds of
Eric Olsen’s Jazz Quartet.
• The
VonHalstern medieval/Viking combat demonstrations
Vinland Longship Norse re-enactors encampment & demos
• The Leif Ericsson Society’s viking longship “
Norseman” in regalia
• AND ...not to be missed, New Jersey’s 4nd annual (!)
Wife-Carrying Contest Obstacle Course!! Whazzat? Check it out! Carry a wife - any wife. Win her weight in beer! (All invited. Sign up needed.)
• The amazing “
Pillerkaar” Estonian folkdancers
Skansen” talented children’s club folkdancers
Smörgåsbandet accordion music for listening & public dancing
• The very enjoyable Swedish
Folk Dancers of New York
• The versatile
Ed Hendela with Finnish and Swedish favorites.
ESPECIALLY FOR KIDS, a much-expanded program for Fest ’13:
New for ‘1 3:
Sara Pajunen: fiddle workshop for kids and adults
Applause Unlimited: Chris Hudert, Marionettes with HCAndersen stories
Danjul Norse with “Viking Tales” storytelling
Clarence! the clown: magic and humor
Marcia Boyesen & Roger Latzgo folk tales
• All day activities and special booth of Polarn och Pyret Swedish children’s clothes
• Face painting & Icelandic horse rides
• All-day kids’ activities area with viking dress-up, tunics, runestones, Lucet weaving, heart baskets, Taefel board game, Viking shields, paper viking ships,flag coloring, Viking dress.... AND... “Are You Smarter than the Average Viking?” game, more, & a play-ground
Geneaology: How to do it, by Kristina O'Doherty
Danish Communities & Culture in the Northeast :
Wendy Hudson
Skilled artisans demo traditional handcrafts through the day:
• Carl Johnson: acanthus woodcarving
• Susan Keenan: lace making
• Elizabeth Baumgardt: Norwegian hardanger
• Lavinia Trimmer: hardanger painting
• Janet Doyle: Nordic weaving
IN ALL... Fest ‘13 has 6 performance & demo areas, over 30 performances for adults & kids, 23 ethnic & festival food vendors, 0ver 40 hand craft & gift vendors.
All this in one day and for a single admission !
More info ?? Watch for program updates.
Food is important to any heritage festival and the Fest’s 23 food vendors offer the traditional popular (and some not-so-familiar) dishes as well as those delicious Nordic desserts, plus lots more to enjoy with beer and other beverages. Of course, there's familiar American festival fare for the less adventurous.
ScanFest has an extensive Nordic Marketplace of many specialized vendors who offer Nordic handicrafts, traditional folk and contemporary dress, and modern Nordic gifts ranging from knickknacks to lush Icelandic sweaters and elaborate decorative furnishings, artwork, and jewelry. Great for early holiday shopping.
Organizations: Nordic organizations, clubs, associations, travel agencies, airlines, fraternal clubs, professional groups, and publications provide literature, travel info, and more.
.... AND ...
Free airline tickets ! One lucky visitor can win two free round-trip tickets on SAS in our FREE door-prize drawing.
Special $ 11 advanced-sale tickets are available via the secure Tickets link at
www.ScanFest.org, by downloading and mailing a tickets form from the website.
General admission is $14 at the gate, $13 for seniors (less than 40¢ per performance).
Those wearing authentic Nordic regional folkdress and children 12 & under are free.
Directions: ScanFest is an easy day-trip from anywhere in the region on a holiday Sunday when there's little traffic. Simply take Exit 26 WESTBOUND off I-80 in NJ onto US 46 West toward Hackettstown. Follow US 46 WEST from I-80 three miles to the first traffic light past Budd Lake at Wolfe Road. Left onto Wolfe 1/4 mile to Vasa Park on the right. For more detailed directions, visit the Directions page at
For general info or a flyer, e-mail
[email protected].
About ScanFest
ScanFest celebrates and promotes the traditions, contributions, and current life of the Nordic regions. ScanFest is produced by Scandinavian Fest, Inc., an independent, non-profit educational corporation with 501(c)3 status. Excepting hired set-up labor, ScanFest is organized and staffed entirely by unpaid volunteers. It’s neither a fundraiser for nor an affiliate of any other organization.
For updated vendor and program information, the detailed performance schedule, advanced-sale discount tickets, driving directions, or a printable version of the '12 flyer or program,, visit the ScanFest website at